With nearly 300 attendees, 34 vendors, and 21 event sponsors, the 10th Annual Drug Prevention Summit was a huge success! We were thrilled to have 29 influential leaders share their expertise, data, resources, and passion for substance use prevention over this two day summit. New this year was the addition of an optional third day session sponsored by the Community Coalition Alliance for prevention professionals to engage in a strategic planning session specific for Florida. We had a great turn out with just under 100 in attendance for this special session!

DFAF Executive Director, Amy Ronshausen, opened the summit followed by video greeting from Wilson M. Compton, MD, MPE, Deputy Director at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Morning keynotes included Christopher O’Connell, Deputy Director of SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Andy Duran, Chief Executive of LEAD, and Matej Kosir, Director of Institut Utrip and Deputy Chairperson of the VNGOC.

Carlton Hall concluded day one with Moving the Needle at the Population Level: An Environmental Approach to ATOD Prevention, and the summit was closed by a special message from Doug Simon, Director of the Florida Office of Drug Control.

Break Out Sessions

With 16 breakout sessions, our attendees were able to attend trainings on diverse topics such as policy, social media, the strategic prevention framework, recovery high schools, drug endangered children, marketing practices targeting women, lessons learned from commercializing marijuana, motivational interviewing, and much more!

Networking and Vendor Table Bingo

With the summit back in full swing, attendees were able to network in person and visit the diverse vendor tables to play Vendor Table Bingo!

DFAF and HCADA Gives a Special Thank You to Our Generous Event Sponsors: