Special Episode in DFAF’s P2P Podcast

Happy New Year!

As we step into January, we are kicking off with one of our most inspiring and impactful conversations with Dave Higham, founder of ‘The Well.’ His journey, vision, and transformative work has resonated with so many of you and is one of the most listened to and shared episodes in the history of our podcast!

Dave’s story is not just about overcoming adversity, it is a beacon of hope, and a testament to the power of community, empathy, and resilience. His approach to recovery and his six core principles has sparked a movement, changing lives, and community.

Guess what? This excitement does not end here. We’re thrilled to announce that Dave will be the Keynote speaker at our upcoming National Prevention Summit in February! Imagine the opportunity to dive deeper into his insights and be part of a live interactive experience with a true change maker. Don’t miss the unique opportunity to connect with Dave and passionate individuals dedicated to prevention, treatment, and recovery. Register now here.

Let’s begin this new year with inspiration and hope!

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