Celebrating Red Ribbon Week

Drug Free America Foundation celebrated Red Ribbon Week with over 500 elementary school students. We conducted interactive presentations during each grade level’s PE period educating about the value of being drug-free, overcoming peer pressure, and making good choices.  At the end of each session, the students took a pledge to be drug-free and earned Red Ribbon themed goodies. We had such a blast engaging with students and advocacting for the One Choice health goal. They had a blast raising their finger in the air and shouting no to drugs as their proclamation to make One Choice. Check out this video for highlights from this day.

Tampa Shines Bright in Red

We’re thrilled to see beautiful landmarks throughout the Tampa Bay area embracing the power of awareness and unity during the largest drug prevention campaign in the nation.

Let’s continue to spread the message far and wide, reminding everyone of the importance of a drug-free, healthy lifestyle. Together, we can make a difference!

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