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Global Task Force (GTF)

The Global Task Force (GTF), formerly known as The International Task Force on Strategic Drug Policy (ITFSDP), is a network of professionals and community leaders from across the globe who support and promote effective drug demand reduction principles and strive to advance communication and cooperation among non-government organizations (NGO’s) who are working to stem illicit drug use and promote sound drug policy around the world.

The GTF convenes meetings to train global leaders on drug policy issues. The training reinforces effective demand reduction principles and programs and enables the attendees to mobilize their communities to push back against substance abuse and efforts to legalize drugs in their communities. The training brings together key decision makers who advise governments, intellectuals, researchers, doctors and other community leaders.

The meetings also provide training to the attendees to develop and enhance an international drug demand reduction task force that is skilled in writing papers and articles, and conducting lectures and other public appearances to push back against drug legalization and promote sound drug policies. Task force members are able to educate the public about the societal, economical and environmental impacts of permissive drug policies. The meetings enable attendees to development an international communication system and that allows for a rapid response mechanism to create and disseminate responses to refute false claims and misinformation advanced by drug legalization advocates in print media around the world.

The GTF has partnered with local organizations to host trainings in the following countries: Argentina, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela. GTF has also supported conferences in Austria, Russia and Sweden.

As a result of GTF meetings, attendees have accomplished the following:

  • Attained a broader understanding of patterns and impacts of drug use, legalization initiatives that weaken demand reduction policies and how drug use promotion, commonly referred to as “harm reduction,” has been used to promote drug use among youth.
  • Obtained knowledge about innovative technologies and current scientific information to combat drugs of abuse.
  • Learned media strategies to effectively get their messages out to the public.
  • Acquired training materials to assist them in their local drug demand reduction efforts.
  • Advanced definitive strategies to combat drug legalization and permissive drug policies.
  • Developed a level of competency in presenting and disseminating in a variety of ways the materials that have been presented.
