High Stakes: The Surprising Connection Between Teen Cannabis Use and Psychosis

Research studies have long suggested a potential link between marijuana use and psychotic disorders. A recent study conducted by McDonald et al., uncovered that these associations not only exist but are much stronger than anticipated.

By |2024-05-28T08:56:50-04:00May 28, 2024|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on High Stakes: The Surprising Connection Between Teen Cannabis Use and Psychosis

Unveiling the Hidden Risks: Maternal Marijuana Use and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Kids

A groundbreaking study presented at the European Psychiatric Association Congress 2024, unveiled disturbing findings relating to the impacts of marijuana use by pregnant mothers.

By |2024-04-15T09:56:34-04:00April 15, 2024|Current Reseach|Comments Off on Unveiling the Hidden Risks: Maternal Marijuana Use and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Kids

Marijuana use in any form linked to higher risk of heart attack or stroke

A new study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association indicates that smoking, vaping or eating marijuana is linked to a significantly higher risk of heart attack or stroke, even if the person had no existing heart conditions and did not smoke or vape tobacco.

By |2024-02-29T10:19:24-05:00February 29, 2024|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Marijuana use in any form linked to higher risk of heart attack or stroke

Understanding Marijuana and Breastfeeding: Exploring New Resources

Marijuana use during breastfeeding poses risks that every nursing mother should be aware of and is a subject of growing concern among healthcare professionals.

By |2023-12-28T14:51:43-05:00December 28, 2023|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Understanding Marijuana and Breastfeeding: Exploring New Resources

Scientists discover over-the-counter marijuana products contained 40 times the legal limit of THC

According to a news story broadcast on NBC affiliate WLBT3 in Jackson Mississippi, scientists in Mississippi have discovered over-the-counter marijuana products that contained as much as 40 times the amount of THC allowed under the state's 2018 Farm Bill.

By |2023-12-14T17:44:46-05:00December 14, 2023|Current Reseach|Comments Off on Scientists discover over-the-counter marijuana products contained 40 times the legal limit of THC

Study finds genetic link to cannabis addiction and multiple health problems

According to Yale News, researchers were able to identify dozens of genetic variants linked to cannabis use disorder and a variety of behavioral and health issues associated with cannabis use disorder.

By |2023-11-27T12:35:21-05:00November 27, 2023|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Study finds genetic link to cannabis addiction and multiple health problems

Open Letter to Ohio Lawmakers

Amy Ronshausen, Executive Director of Drug Free America Foundation and Save Our Society From Drugs, wrote the following open letter to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the members of the Ohio State Legislature, in reaction to the recreational marijuana ballot initiative passing in the state.

By |2023-11-08T12:05:42-05:00November 8, 2023|In The News, Press Release, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Open Letter to Ohio Lawmakers

New Research Blog: Online Dispensaries: Minors’ Ease of Access to Marijuana

A recently published study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics has shed light on the concerning ease with which minors can purchase marijuana through online dispensaries.

By |2023-10-13T09:29:39-04:00October 13, 2023|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Research Blog: Online Dispensaries: Minors’ Ease of Access to Marijuana

Protecting Fatherhood: Uncovering the Risks of Marijuana Use for Dads & Soon-To-Be Dads

Protecting Fatherhood: Uncovering the Risks of Marijuana Use for Dads & Soon-To-Be Dads

By |2023-09-28T08:39:10-04:00September 26, 2023|Videos|Comments Off on Protecting Fatherhood: Uncovering the Risks of Marijuana Use for Dads & Soon-To-Be Dads

Unveiling Disturbing Trends: Latest Insights from the Monitoring the Future Panel Study on Substance Use Among Younger Adults and Beyond

The recent Monitoring the Future panel study reveals concerning trends in substance use among young adults in the U.S., with a significant rise in past-year marijuana, hallucinogen, and marijuana/nicotine vaping use among those aged 19-30.

By |2023-09-06T06:28:44-04:00September 6, 2023|Current Reseach, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unveiling Disturbing Trends: Latest Insights from the Monitoring the Future Panel Study on Substance Use Among Younger Adults and Beyond
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